Winnie (Dog Mentor)

Winne - Dog MentorThe Dog Mentor Programme founded by Jenny Duckworth in 2014, has built upon the benefits of the human-animal bond by providing children with positive experiences with dogs that can help them educationally, developmentally, emotionally and socially.

The Dog Mentor programme has proven to have a positive impact on children in all areas including self-esteem, behaviour, peer relationships and better engagement skills. These improvements then result in improved academic achievement.

Winnie is 5.5 years old; she successfully worked at Mrs Baldwin’s previous school since she was a young puppy. Winnie had extensive training and has achieved her gold award as a Dog Mentor. She is based in Mrs Baldwin’s office and works with a number of children in school as a ‘meet and greet’, supporting children if they are feeling dysregulated, she also enjoys movement breaks, being read to and joining children in their interventions to help them feel more relaxed.

Please complete and return the slip in this PDF as soon as possible if you DO NOT wish your child to take part in any activities with our school dog Winnie.

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