Medicines in School Plan

Sometimes children in school require medicine to be given at school and we have trained first aiders and members of staff who are prepared to do this. The Government advises schools about medicines in its policy - Supporting Pupils at School with Medical Conditions.

To enable us to administer medicine - either to your child or assisting them to do this independently - the parent/guardian needs to fill in the care plan and return it to us. We cannot administer medicine without a care plan or medical form.

All medicines administered at school must have been prescribed by a GP and therefore correctly labelled with a pharmacy sticker/stamp.

Short Term Medicines

If a child is given a short term medicine such as antibiotics, we can administer this in the daytime and a day medical form will need completing at the office before we can do this (a careplan is for longer term conditions). We will only administer antibiotics if the dosage is 4 times a day or more.


In keeping with this document, we do not administer Calpol and as such, we do not keep generic medicines such as these on site. We are happy for you or another family adult to come to school to administer this medicine but consideration should be taken about whether the child should be at school at all, if more than one dose of Calpol is needed.

Medicines via the Office

It is really important that all our children are looked after correctly. Please do not send medicines to school in the child's school bag but hand it into the office. Medicines that can be kept in school will be stored safely. Please make your child's class teacher aware if the medicine can be kept in school.

We do not allow throat sweets/eye drops or nasal sprays which can be purchased over the counter.

Record Keeping

If your child has a medical need, this will be indicated on our school records for your child and in particular the medical record. This is a confidential document and remains within school and shared with staff members only. If your child no longer needs medication, please do update the office so that our records can be amended accordingly.

If you have any questions or you require further information, please contact the school office

If you think your child required a Care Plan in school please complete the form below. We will contact you if we require any further information.


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