Car Park Barrier Application

This form allows you to apply for permission to gain access to the school car park between 8.30am to 9:15am and 2:45pm to 3:30pm. This enables you to pay a deposit for a car park token to control the barrier.

School Access Token

Car park tokens will be issued to staff, nexus pupils including their taxi drivers, and wouldham parents who have a blue badge for either themselves or their child. Once a deposit of £10 has been paid through the Eduspot website. This will be refunded on return of the token. 

The token can only be used for the approved person and must not be transferred to others.

If accepted then cars must be parked within a marked bay within the car park and not in disabled bays (unless you hold a blue badge) or minibus or taxi spaces.

Care must be taken when entering and leaving the car park - giving way to people entering and not tailgating other vehicles. Any damage caused to the barrier and associated equipment must be paid for by the driver concerned. The barrier and car park are monitored by CCTV and movements recorded.

The token will be deactivated immediately if the above conditions are not met or there are any issues with driver conduct in the car park.

Please note - all tokens remain the property of the school and must be returned on demand.

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