
We have organised 'Bikeability' training for our Year 6 children.

What is it all about? Why are we getting involved with bikeability?

Why should children cycle?

  • Cycling is an important life skill and a rite of passage
  • Encouraging children to cycle can help make them healthier, fitter and happier
  • Bikeability was developed by more than 20 professional organisations and is supported by cross-Governmental departments including Departments for Transport, Health and Education
  • Cycle training can make the biggest difference to your child’s safety on the roads
  • Children who cycle are more confident, more independent and perform better at school
  • Bikeability offers national awards for cycling, an important way of marking the achievement of learning to ride safely and well
  • Any risks associated with cycling are far outweighed by the benefits of a healthy, active lifestyle
  • Bikeability training helps children develop their skills and confidence on a bike

The course

Bikeability is a National Standard cycle training course comprising of 3 levels designed to give the next generation the skills and confidence to ride their bike’s on today’s roads. This training will cover level 1 and level 2.

It will teach children about how to control their bicycle, to make manoeuvres safely and improve hazard awareness.

It will show them how to complete basic cycle safety checks, improve their knowledge of important road signs and increase their observational skills when cycling on the road.

What is needed before the course?

Children must be able to ride a bike to take part in the training and be able to carry out the following:

  • To listen carefully to their instructor at all times
  • Be able to balance on and control their bike when riding
  • Behave in a sensible and appropriate manner throughout the course
  • To concentrate on the instructions given and be able to safely demonstrate the competencies learnt within their own ability

What does the course entail?

The level 1 and 2 courses are separated from each other.

Level 1

Level 1 offers basic bike handling skills in a controlled environment away from roads - ie on the playground and other areas within the school grounds.

Skills include:

  • Bike check
  • Helmet fitting
  • Start and stop safely
  • Ride without help
  • Able to control the bike
  • Ride in a straight line whilst looking behind
  • Signal right and left without loss of control
  • Using gears
  • Emergency stop
  • Swerving under control

The children must demonstrate competence at Level 1 before being able to progress to riding on the road. The instructor may take the decision not to take the child on to the road training element if they believe they are not safe to do it.

Pupils will be given guidance and time to practice skills to improve where needed and hopefully be able to complete the Level 2 element later.

Level 2

Level 2 teaches children to cycle planned routes on minor roads offering real cycling experience.

Skills include:

  • Start and finish an on-road journey
  • Be aware of surroundings whilst cycling
  • Understand how & when to signal
  • Understand where to ride on the road
  • Pass parked or slower moving vehicles, and side roads
  • Turn left into a major and minor road
  • Turn right from a minor to a major road, and from a major to a minor

Please note - bikes and helmets are being provided by the school. We have a 'fleet' of new Frog bikes of different sizes that will suit all.

The training will last for one and a half days in total but not necessarily take place in one stint!

We will text you by Friday 21st January to let you know which days your child will need suitable clothing. Gloves will be useful.

The training starts on Monday 24th January and will take three weeks to get everyone through! Road training takes place in small groups.

And the best news - The course cost will be met by the school. Its a freebie!

We have booked spaces for everyone in Year 6 and it will take place within normal school time.

Bikeability Parental Consent Form

As the Level 2 training takes place beyond the school grounds, on carefully selected local roads, Kent County Council need additional consent from you. Please complete the online Parental Consent Form here.

Should there be any reason why you do not want your child to take part, or if they have never ridden a bike before then please indicate this on the form.

Feel free to contact the school office if you have any questions. If we cannot answer them straight away then we will pass your query directly onto the 'Bikeability' team.


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