Physical Education


At Wouldham All Saints CE Primary School, we recognise Physical Education (P.E.) 's vital role in maintaining and enhancing children's happiness and health, both now and in the future. Our goal is to provide high-quality teaching and learning experiences that inspire all children to excel in physical education and continually challenge themselves to reach their highest potential. We emphasise nurturing life-long values such as cooperation, fairness, respect, and teamwork through our skills-based curriculum. 

Our curriculum is designed to: 

  • Develop competence in a wide range of physical activities, ensuring accessibility for all students.
  • Engage students in competitive sports and other physically demanding activities.
  • Encourage sustained periods of physical activity.
  • Promote physically and emotionally healthy, active lifestyles. 

We aspire to motivate our students to excel and build confidence in participating in physical activities. Our approach encompasses three key domains: physical, cognitive, and socio-emotional, equipping students with the knowledge, skills, and understanding needed to maintain an active and healthy lifestyle. 

We believe a safe and supportive environment is essential for optimal physical and emotional development. Our curriculum includes teaching critical safety skills, such as swimming, and fostering cooperation and collaboration within teams. By providing positive P.E. experiences, we aim to instil enduring positive attitudes toward developing and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. 

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