How are we doing?
Schools are all measured in different ways and our academic achievements can be viewed here.
Ofsted inspect schools and publish reports to say how schools are doing. Our most recent report can be found here. Follow the link below to Ofsted's site for all previous reports on our school.
As a Church of England School we are also subject to additional inspections by The National Society (SIAMS). Our most recent report can be viewed here.
The Department for Education produce tables of school performance data to compare schools with each other. Follow the link below to find out more.
Children's performance using local and national benchmarks is common. We have collated our results from 2023 and shown comparisons with Kent LEA and National data. Click here to download this information.
The school recieves additional funding called 'Pupil Premium' for children who are eligible (or have been eligible) for free school meals. This money is used to provide greater opportunities and support academic achievement and progress for those who may be most disadvantaged. Our strategy for spending our pupil premium for the current year as well the impact of our spending in the previous year can be found here.