Our aim is for our uniform to be straightforward, affordable and practical with the following 'badged' school uniform available to buy through Uniform Base in Chatham.
- Jumper or cardigan and/or fleece
- Optional Tie
- PE team t-shirt
- Book bag
- Water bottles and hats are also available
Children will also need:
- White polo shirt or button shirt
- Grey or black trousers/shorts or dress/skirt or appropriate blue summer dress
- Plain socks or tights
- Classic style black shoes
For PE and outdoor learning:
- Plain trousers or plimsoles
- Plain black short, tracksuit bottoms or leggings
- Wellies
Jewellery must not be worn in school with the exception of a simple watch (not a smart watch). If ears are pierced then studs can be kept in but your child needs to be able to remove these for P.E. Long hair must be tied up/back and any hair accessories should be plain.
Please label all uniform and personal items.
Second-hand Uniform
We have plenty of used/nearly new uniform available in our main entrance, if you are able we ask for a small donation for any items that you take.