School Hours

The children are welcomed into school from 8.40am and the gates will close at 8.45am.

Once the gates have been locked, all access to the school is via the school office. Children who arrive late should report to the office to ensure that they are signed in for the day.

Registration is at 8.50am and the school day finishes at 3.15pm.

Children at Wouldham spend approximately 32.5 hours per week at school.

Collection at the End of the Day

The gates will open at 3.10pm. Each class has a designated door which your child’s class teacher will dismiss from at the end of each school day.

Change of Collection Arrangements or Emergencies

For the safety of our children, parents should let the school office know if a different adult will be collecting their child at the end of the day, if they are likely to be late collecting their child or there are any other changes to the usual end of school arrangements.

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