Key Worker Information

Welcome to our dedicated page for verified key workers and invited children.

This page was updated on 12th February. Please read all of the page!

We're here for your children! We are here so that you can be where you need to be. The least number of people in school means the lower the risk of the virus spreading. The sooner we can get community transmission down then the less pressure on the NHS, the more vaccinations take place, the greater the number of lives saved and the quicker we can get back to normal!

If you can manage without school provision then you are doing your bit for everyone. Only use this provision when you or your children really need it.

Key worker cover is to enable you to go to work without having to worry about daytime childcare. The guidance is clear that if you can safely manage your children at home then you should do. If you are not working then you shouldn't be sending your children to school. We retain the right to completely remove key worker places from families if we believe that somebody is abusing this.

We only offer free childcare between 9am and 3:15pm. You can attend between these timings to suit your need - you do not have to be here all day everyday!

Everyone needs to enter through the main entrance. This may get busy so make sure you keep a safe distance from others as you arrive and leave and please wear a face mask when on site. You can collect your children at anytime but it gets too disruptive to get children out of class between 3pm and 3:15pm so please wait until everyone comes out.

We will provide wrap around childcare as needed but this needs to be booked and paid for in the usual way. Entry and collection for this is through the usual door to WASPs room. Log in to to book and pay for your place. 

We will send you a booking form by the Wednesday or Thursday of each week for childcare needs for the following week. This will be via a link that we text to you.

During this time of closure we are providing free meals for all. The school catering provision is now managed by us directly and we are working hard to improve the service. If you haven't tried school dinners for a while then we encourage you to take up this offer of a free lunch! The menu may need a few changes but we are aiming to maintain the one advertised. Click below to see what is on offer.

We are operating childcare in 'bubbles' consisting of school families. There could be up to 30 people in a bubble and there is a risk that if someone tests positive the whole bubble will burst. If this happens then all those affected will have to isolate at home for ten days. If a bubble does burst then we won't be able to accept any children into that family until we have managed to secure the return of sufficient staff. It is really important to stay away from school if there is any chance you or your child could be infected. We will not admit anyone displaying any symptoms of illness.

If we have reduced staffing from needing to isolate then we may also have to close a bubble at short notice. There is also a risk to continued provision of wrap around childcare but we will maintain this as far as we can. All parents must have a contingency plan in case of further restrictions in school.

The school has excellent ventilation but the downside of this is the warm air leaves and gets replaced by cold fresh air! We are in the coldest time of year so wrap up warm! Additional layers under shirts and jumpers is advised but all children also need a coat (and hat and gloves) as we will venture outdoors as much as we can!

Most childcare is being carried out by school support staff with teachers managing remote learning. Children in school will be following the same work plans for those away from school. Every child will read every day so please make sure you send their book with them.

We will have exercise sessions each day and children should bring their school PE kit in case it is needed. (It can be kept in school for the week!)

When your children are here we will do our best to keep good physical distancing measures but this is not always possible.

If your children are with us then please do the following...

  • Let us know which days you need childcare for each week, highlighting any wrap around care needed (but make sure you book this through Eduspot as well).
    We will text you a link to complete a request each week. This will need to be completed by Friday afternoon so we can process the requests. No form can mean no place - so please don't forget it!
  • Email to make any changes or detail any special requirements. Please do this as soon as possible. 
  • Deliver and collect from the main reception.
  • Send children in school uniform - every day please!
  • Make sure they have a water bottle with their name on it. A snack is also good.
  • Send them with their current reading books - we will hear everyone read!

The staff leading your child's group will most likely not know your children (as we are drawing on all available staff across the school). They will support them in all ways their teacher will try to maintain contact with them as well. We aim to hear them read every day.

Key worker childcare does not need your child to be here all day everyday. We are more than happy for you to drop off and pick up at anytime within our opening hours. If you are arriving after 9am but require a dinner then please confirm by email before 9am.


If your child is ill then stay away - we're sure you know that already!

Please do your bit to keep everyone safe - limit your household contacts as much as you can. As your child will be in school, mixing with others and our staff, there is an increased risk that the virus could be passed on. Keeping contacts to an absolute minimum is vital - please do not take your child to join up with others, go visiting, shopping etc unless absolutely essential. Sticking closely to the Tier 4 guidance (and going beyond) will help keep everyone safer. Thank you.

We have a dedicated email address for key workers - this should be getting regular monitoring and is more likely to be responded to than phoning the school or using any of our other communication channels.

Our current purpose is to continue providing a safe and enjoyable setting to care for your children whilst here. This page is just for you and not easy to find on the normal website. To make sure you can access it when you need it then we would advise bookmarking the page address.



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