
As a Voluntary Controlled school, our admissions criteria are set by the local authority.  Information about our school’s admissions and appeal arrangements and oversubscription criteria can be found here: Kent Admissions Criteria

Applying for a Reception place for the Academic Year 2024-2025

All applications must be made online.

If you live in the Kent area and wish to apply for a primary school place visit

If you live in the Medway area and wish to apply for a primary school place visit:

For children starting school in September 2025 applications will close on 15 January 2025.

Moving Schools – In Year Admissions

If you are looking to transfer your child from another primary school, please contact our school office on 01634 861 434 or email:

You will need to complete an in year admissions form and submit this directly. Wouldham All Saints C of E Primary School, along with Kent County Council, will apply the same standard admissions criteria for in year applications. Please note we are currently oversubscribed in some year groups and waiting lists may be in place.

For further details regarding changing schools, please visit this KCC link: Kent County Council In Year Admissions

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