Key Stage One Family Page
Teachers will soon be setting activities for their new classes through Purple Mash and may also have some additional activities on the pages below. They are looking forward to seeing your messages, ideas and work this term.
Wishing you all a wonderful week.
People have been asking if we will be carrying out 'Live Lessons' through things like Zoom or Teams. The effectiveness of this for Primary aged children is not great as this is far from the usual method of teaching in school. In times gone by a teacher addressing the whole class from the board would be called 'chalk and talk' and the Zoom approach is very similar to this as it is impossible to gain the level of interaction needed to work well. Also, many families have more than one child but need to share a device and so cannot attend a live lesson at the same time as a brother or sister needs to.
Instead, we are making use of recorded presentations - either ones we have recorded ourselves or ones that are available elsewhere. These can be watched at anytime and can be watched several times if something is a bit of a puzzle. This also means our teachers are available to interact with your child through the Purple Mash platform throughout the day.
Links to recorded content are included in the learning instructions for the week but you can also find our YouTube channel by clicking the icon below.
Remember that you can always get in touch with the team via the following email.
The Key Stage One Team
Links to White Rose maths resources can be found below. Click the Rose!
Additional Learning Suggestions
General daily lessons
Maths |
English |
Active | |
A quick link to the Purple Mash site is below. Contact us if you have log in troubles!