This week has lots going on!
Did you know it is Child Mental Health Week?
How about Groundhog Day in America?
And its also Candlemas.
But what does all this mean?
The mental health and wellbeing charity 'Place2Be' organise an awareness week each year and the theme of this year’s Children’s Mental Health Week is Express Yourself.
Expressing yourself is about finding ways to share feelings, thoughts, or ideas, through creativity.
It is about finding a way to show who you are, and how you see the world, that can help you feel good about yourself.
As parents and carers, you play an important role in your child’s mental health. Access this week's special assembly by clicking the picture below...
Other helpful activities can be downloaded below. Express Yourself contains a range of ideas to help support you at home.
There are two 'Daily Mile' activities to challenge yourself for daily exercise - one for each of the next two weeks!
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The current lockdown seems much harder than the one last spring. Maybe this is because we're still in the midst of winter with poor weather and long evenings.
Things always seem better when the sun shines and feels warm and when there seems more time to get out and about rather than being 'locked in' at home.
We are getting through it - take one day at a time! Don't worry if you feel you need to stop and do something spontaneous and different.
Home school will continue when you're ready for it!
Groundhog Day in America is about looking forward to the spring and summer. The appearance of the Groundhog in certain weather is supposed to predict the arrival of spring.
A bright and sunny Groundhog Day means a late arrival of spring. Candlemas has a similar saying attached to it - 'if sunny and bright expect winter to continue its flight.'
But what is Candlemas?
Candlemas is is an ancient festival which marks the middle point between the shortest day and the Spring Equinox.
Candlemas is a Christian festival to remember the purification of Jesus, forty days after he was born. Jesus was taken to the Temple in Jerusalem by Mary and Joseph.
This was Mary and Joseph’s chance to say 'thank you' to God for the safe arrival of Jesus.
The name Candlemas comes from the tradition of church candles being brought into church for the year and then blessed by the priest. So really it is a festival of candles and light.
Click on the picture to hear one of our regular songs.
In the old days there was no electricity so candles played a really important part of everyday life. For Christians candles also remind them that before Jesus came into the world people were living in darkness.
When Jesus arrived he brought light into the darkness, God’s light and life.
Jesus told all people that they could be brought back into the light of God and that he could show them the way to go.
Light always wants to get out.
In ancient times Romans lit candles to scare away bad spirits during the winter. In Scotland children would bring candles into the classrooms to help light the room in the dark days of winter.
Once electric lights appeared the children then brought money in so that the teacher could buy sweets and treats for the children.
The child who brought in the most money was crowned the king or queen and they ruled for six weeks. The king or queen had the power to make one afternoon a week a special playtime and to pardon any punishments.
Do you think this would be a good custom to reintroduce in our school?
Below are some clips for you about Candlemas and light. Which is your favourite? Tell us on the RE blog.
Reception and KS1 | KS2 | The Superbook Story | || |
Craft Time
This week, why not try to make a candle using card and stick it in your window!
Can you get an adult to safely help you to light a candle and then say the special Candelmas prayer.
As your servant we ask to be in your peace,
as your word has been fulfilled:
May our eyes see the salvation
which you have prepared in the sight of every people:
a light to reveal you to the nations
and the glory of your people Israel.
This prayer was first said by a man called Simeon when he met Mary and Joseph with the baby Jesus in the temple of Jerusalem.
He recognised that Jesus was a special baby and that he would make a positive difference to the future.
What would you like to be different about the future? What can you do to be a positive influence on those around you?
Can you write a message to somebody special - a family member or one of your friends? Maybe someone you haven't been able to see for a while - this will let them know that you really care.
Song Time!
Below are some songs for you to listen to, sing and share with your families.
Click on each icon to access a different worship song on Youtube. Maybe watch a different one each day.
Tuesday 2nd | Wednesday 3rd | Thursday 4th | Friday 5th | Monday 8th |
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If you come across any other great worship songs then let us know the link. We will try and use them as well!