School Photographs

Normally school photos are taken twice a year - one individual photo and a class photo.   

Due to Coronavirus we have been unable to do this however we now have the chance to have ONE of these done in the next few months.

We can either do individual or class photo (not both due to time constraints).   We would like to ask parents their preference but a response is needed quite quickly by Friday 30th April.  Please can you let us have your view and we will go with majority.

We do think however if time permits and class photo for Year R and Year 6 might be possible.  If your child is in these year groups please let us know if you would also like this option.

We apologise that we may not be able to have photos taken of siblings that are in school/below school age - due to timing and coronavirus implications.  

Once we have a decision we will inform you of the date we have been able to book.  Thank you in advance for your co-operation and understanding.  


Thanks in advance.

School office 

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