Sports Premium

Sports Premium Funding 2022/2023

Our school currently recieves funding from the government to support the development of PE, sport and competition in school. This is £19,526 based on the number on roll in October 2021. We believe sport and physical education is a crucial part of children’s learning, and that being active, as well as developing teamwork and sportsmanship are vital elements that contribute to the overall well-being of our pupils. We take a holistic approach, believing that all children should benefit from the Sports Premium funding, regardless of background or ability. We also believe that through effective collaboration and partnership working, we can promote and develop physical education and sport throughout our school and the community, to create an active community partnership.









How do we spend our Sports Premium Funding?

  • We spend most of our funding on the investment in an outdoor instructor to introduce, develop and refine an exciting, progressive OAA curriculum covering all years.

  • Professional development for coordinator and other staff members to ensure staff are best equipped to teach high quality Physical Education and school sport

  • Inviting external sports coaches into school to work alongside staff to model the delivery of high quality PE and Sport in specific sports areas

  • Membership of the Youth Sports Trust and the Association for Physical Education

  • Subscriptions for active learning programmes

  • Setting up and running additional extra-curricular clubs, including using community sports providers to bring expertise not currently held by school staff, and developing school-club links to encourage children to get involved in sports outside of school

  • Increasing the number of competitive sports opportunities in which our children get involved in, especially with local schools, developing our local sports networks

  • Contributing to running costs of minibuses to enable regular outdoor learning and especially Forest School opportunities

  • Supporting adventure residential visits with regards to staffing, equipment, training and enhancing experiences without adding costs to the parents

  • Developing intra-school competitions to promote competitive spirit

  • Purchasing equipment and resources to support PE curriculum and develop new sports and physical activities

  • Developing the use of positive play during break and lunchtimes, especially focusing on the development of pupil led 'Active Champions', to include resources and equipment.

You can download our impact statement here.

We measure the impact of the sports premium funding through self evaluation and monitoring, particularly focusing on:

  • Evaluating participation in extra curricular sports provision

  • Evaluating impact on least active children helping to develop healthy lifestyles

  • Progress in PE and related areas e.g. self esteem, confidence etc

  • Number of children involved in sport outside of school

Swimming is an essential skill and all children are expected to achieve minimum standards by the time they reach the end of primary school. At Wouldham All Saints Church of England Primary School all classes go swimming each year. We build up experience, confidence and skills to enable all children to make progress.

84% of the children leaving Year 6 in July 2022 were able to fully meet the nationally expected standards which mean the child can.....

  • swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres
  • perform a safe self-rescue in different water based situations
  • use a range of strokes effectively

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