Knowing where a child is, and knowing where they need to be is vital. After this, a learning journey can be planned to move them ever closer to where they need to be and even beyond! This is the purpose of effective assessment!
At Wouldham All Saints we keep an assessment profile on every child. Teaching staff record National Curriculum objectives as they are achieved and this builds up our picture of what each individual can do. This informs our next steps for teaching as well as profiling the progress being made through the curriculum each year. We also supplement this information with regular formal assessments (tests!) which provide us with a standardised score that means we can compare each individual performance with a national expectation. This is also the way that end of Year 2 and Year 6 National tests (SATs) are recorded. A score of 100 can be seen as 'average' with 115 and above showing a high level reached.
This information can be shared with you at points throughout the year and forms part of your child's 'Unique Story' reports which are shared with you in February and July.