Secondary Transfer

Starting Secondary School in September 2023 (currently in Year 5)?


September 2023 may seem like a long way off but it will soon be here and your child will be starting their time at secondary school.


The normal process for finding out about secondary school options has been very different in recent years but hopefully will now be much more 'normal'.


The whole process can seem very daunting when approaching it for the first time and you will hear lots of conflicting information from others.


It is worth spending time thinking and talking about secondary schools so that you can decide what is possible and desirable which will help shape your choices for the autumn.


You can apply for a place at any school in any location (in theory) but your chance of getting a place there will depend on several factors.


1  Is the school selective - ie is it a grammar school? If so, your child needs to pass a test to get in. In most cases, Medway Grammar Schools need a Medway test pass and Kent schools need a Kent one. Some accept both and some may even have their own test as well. Some schools will offer places according to the score and so may only offer places if scoring very highly.


2  Do you already have older children in the family attending the school? If so, you are probably fully aware of the application process anyway! Siblings get placed higher up the list.


3  How close to the school are you? Generally, your chance of getting a place at a particular school reflects how close you live to it. Some schools have defined areas where priority is given and others have linked primary schools. Schools that use these admissions criteria may not have much capacity left for others to get in.


Applications don't need to be completed until October and most of the open sessions occur in September which means you don't need to do very much yet.




Some schools are arranging events and activities this term and if you are wanting to take selection tests (11+) then you need to register your child for them now.

The links to the sites to register are below. If you want to do both the Kent and Medway tests then you need to register separately with both local authorities.

The Medway test is most likely to be taken on Saturday 17th or Sunday 18th September at a test centre in Medway. The Kent test will be taken within our school on Thursday 8th September.

If registering for the tests make sure you check that you have selected our school as there is also an All Saints School in Chatham and you could end up on their list which means you might miss out on the tests!

Our school number is 886 3088 and is likely to appear at the bottom of a drop down list (for Wouldham).


Kent Test - Kent County Council


Parent Portal: Home (


The testing process is straightforward but can be very highly pressured. Remember, the selective schools aim to take only 20 to 25% of everyone. This means MOST children do not go to selective schools. I a child is coached to pass a test but doesn't have the right ability and attitude then they will really struggle to be successful in their learning. If your child needs lots of support to get through entrance tests then they will probably need even more support to get through the first five years of secondary school.


Top tips for succes in selection tests ...

Read plenty of challenging books - reading speed and accuracy is key!

Use Mathletics timed challenges.

Look up 11+ websites and possibly buy practice resources (Amazon!). Work through these with your child - looking at where mistakes are made.

Keep writing through the summer break - the tests take place very early in Year 6.


When it comes to considering secondary schools our key advice is below...


Consider all schools that would be practical for your circumstances.

Look up the schools for information about what they can offer.

Engage with any opportunities to find out more -  autumn visits are the usual routine but some happen this term.

Contact individual schools with any specific questions you have - this may be around catchment areas and oversubscription history.

Submit your preferences in the order you want them to be - schools don't put you higher up a list if you make them your first choice! 


Information on applying and about schools is available on line and we advise you to look up all the schools that you are interested in. It is important to be aware of each school's admissions criteria as this will give you some idea about your chance of being successful in gaining a place. All of the details regarding secondary schools can be found by clicking below….



These websites contain details of what you need to do to apply for a place and will signpost you to individual school websites to gain information about the school. Individual school websites may provide information about the numbers of people who applied and the number admitted last September - this should give a rough guide to the likelihood of gaining a place. Remember - where schools are oversubscribed it usually comes down to how close you live to the school!


We have lots of different schools that our pupils go to - both in Kent and Medway. Any school is a possibility on paper but in reality it will depend on oversubscription and practicalities of getting there and back.


If we have schools sending us information about 'open events' we will paste a link on this page.


When making your preferences please bear in mind key factors such as transport there and back, likelihood of getting a place based on catchment areas and distance from home as well as ethos of a school. Depending on where you live, i.e. Kent or Medway, you need to complete the correct authority’s application irrespective of where the schools you are applying for are located. The easiest way to apply is on-line although it is possible otherwise - you need to follow the local authority's instructions. If you live in Medway you MUST apply to Medway on their form – even though you can request Kent based schools. Free transport is likely to be provided only for your nearest appropriate school and this definition (found in the relevant information booklets) needs reading carefully as it differs slightly between Kent and Medway. For those families living in Wouldham itself, Holmesdale School is our nearest appropriate school. It is really important that you express your preference for a number of schools and in the order that you desire them. Naming a single school will not give you any greater chance of getting a place and may leave you with a forced allocation that is far from appropriate or desirable!


If you have recently moved to the area and don't know about names, types and locations of secondary schools then it is probably worth giving us a call to talk through options.


Although you need to submit your application with your preferences by the end of October you won’t be told about the allocated school until March. If you are unhappy with the school offered to you then there is an appeals process. Most appeals are unsuccessful but this doesn't mean it can't happen. It is important to know that you can only appeal for schools that were named on your initial application at a higher position than the one you have been offered. This means you can name schools that you would love to get but think there is very little chance of getting in! It doesn't give you a greater chance of a place but just keeps an option open for later in the year.


As always, if you need assistance with anything relating to secondary transfer then please get in touch.

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